Welcome to the Peggy Kirk Bell Girls Golf Tour! Below you will find information to understand the PKBGT Pathway Progression for developing
your junior golfer.
The PKBGT is different, being girls only, all facets of the tour are designed to enhance and develop the junior girls golfers experience and
development. With yardage/skill based divisions, each player is able to progress and gain experience at their own speed and in an appropriate and positive environment.
The PKBGT Series Progression allows players to progress towards playing collegiate golf by playing yardage/skill appropriate tournaments as they develop their game. Each
classification is focused on the developmental needs of each girl, including event yardage and developing a national ranking profile necessary for the recruiting process.
- Returning players may find their current classification in their PKBGT Account (must be logged in to see this information)
- All new players are defaulted to Class 3 (ages 11-18) or Class 4 (ages 9-12) status in our registration system
- NOTE: Some events use the PKBGT Priority Based Entry System to determine eligibility
- Players wishing to increase their status can SUBMIT A TOURNAMENT RESUME. All resumes are reviewed by a committee including past collegiate coaches & junior golf experts.
- Players may re-apply for status at a later date with additional information or new tournament scores should their initial application be denied.
- Class 2 status can be automatically earned based on your PKBGT play and will be reflected when you register for an event
The PKB Girls' Golf Tour is open to junior girls 9 - 19 who have yet to enroll in college.
BELL, PREP & FUTURES SERIES (Class 1, 2 & 3) -- Girls 12 - 19 -- Player must turn 12 years old by September 30th of the competition year to be eligible to participate.
An 11-year old player may play the entire season schedule if they meet this requirement. Any 18 or 19 year old player must not have enrolled in college and be an amateur to participate.
DISCOVERY SERIES (Class 4) -- Girls 9 - 12 -- Player must turn 9 years old by September 30th of the competition year to be eligible to participate. An 8-year-old player may play the
entire season schedule if they meet this requirement.
ELITE UNDER-AGE EXEMPTIONS FOR NATIONAL EVENTS -- Girls 10 - 11 -- The PKBGT now offers select Futures National fields during the PKBGT National
season that will offer limited access to elite 10 & 11 year old girl golfers who do not meet the age requirement for Classification 3 status. Elite is defined by a top 10 finisher in the
U.S. Kids World Championship or other nationally recognized 12 & under championship. These events will be labeled on the tournament page as a "Futures National Exempt" event and players will
be able to apply for a sponsor exemption into these fields. The PKBGT Tour Committee will have sole discretion on the number of under-age exemptions available and the recipients of these exemptions.
The goal of the committee is to create at least 1 playing opportunity per quarter for these players.
BELL NATIONAL & PREP DIVISIONS Elite division for girls preparing for collegiate golf
- Yardages: 5,700 - 6,200 yards
- Age Requirement: Girls 12 - 19 -- Player must turn 12 years old by September 30th of the competition year to be eligible to participate.
An 11-year old player may play the entire season schedule if they meet this requirement. Any 18 or 19 year old player must not have enrolled in college and be an amateur to participate.
- Scoring Requirement: Players must prove the continued ability to score 80 or better from 5,400+ yards in tournament play and/or have a scoring differential of 8.0 or less on the PKBGT
Performance Index or on the National Junior Golf Scoreboard. Players gain Class 1 status at the discretion of the submitting a tournament resume for approval
by the tour committee and can apply/re-apply at any time.
- Event Eligibility (Multiple Divisions Offered): Players who meet the automatic priority entry criteria for the Bell National field are ineligible for the Prep Preview division at that
- Tournaments Available:
- Eligible for:
- Standing on the official PKBGT ranking system, PKBGT Performance Index
- Season-long Order of Merit Standings
- Golfweek Ranking points at select 36 & 54-hole events
- AJGA PBE Performance Stars at all multi-round events & PKBGT Championships
- Jr Golf Scoreboard Ranking points at all 36-hole & 54-hole events
- CGA (TYGA & SCJGA) State Ranking Points at all events (multiplier varies by event)
PREP & FUTURES NATIONAL DIVISIONS Collegiate preparatory division for girls competing at collegiate yardages
- Yardages: 5,400 - 5,800 yards
- Age Requirement: Girls 12 - 19 -- Player must turn 12 years old by September 30th of the competition year to be eligible to participate.
An 11-year old player may play the entire season schedule if they meet this requirement. Any 18 or 19 year old player must not have enrolled in college and be an amateur to participate.
- Scoring Requirement: Players should show the continued ability to score 90 or better from 5,600 yards in tournament play. Players may automatically
gain this status by being a player in high school who has a PKBGT Performance Index scoring differential lower than 18.0 at the
time of registration or submit a tournament resume for increased status approval
by the tour committee. A player who automatically gains Class 2 status will retain this status for the remainder of the season.
- Automatic Division Promotion to Class 1: Players who win 3 times in the Prep Preview division during a season will be increased to Class 1 status. The player may petition the tour committee for eligibility in the Prep Series Finale if they have required points to qualify. Players who are in their first or second season of PKBGT age eligibility are exempt from this rule.
- Tournaments Available:
- Eligible for:
- Standing on the official PKBGT ranking system, PKBGT Performance Index
- Season-long Order of Merit Standings
- AJGA PBE Performance Stars at all multi-round events & PKBGT Championships
- Jr Golf Scoreboard Ranking points at all 36-hole & 54-hole events
- CGA (TYGA & SCJGA) State Ranking Points at all events (multiplier varies by event)
FUTURES NATIONAL & FUTURES REGIONAL DIVISIONS Tournament division for girls playing in and preparing for high school golf
- Yardages: 5,100 - 5,400 yards
- Age Requirement: Girls 12 - 19 -- Player must turn 12 years old by September 30th of the competition year to be eligible to participate.
An 11-year old player may play the entire season schedule if they meet this requirement. Any 18 or 19 year old player must not have enrolled in college and be an amateur to participate.
- Scoring Requirement:
- MULTI-DAY EVENTS: Players are expected to be able to score 100 or better from Red tees. Players are expected to understand and uphold all USGA Rules.
- ONE-DAY EVENTS: Players are expected to be able to score 120 or better from Red tees. These events also include modified rules including double-par.
- Automatic Division Promotion to Class 2: Players who win 3 times in a specific division during a season are automatically increased to Class 2 status. The player may petition the tour
committee for eligibility for the Tour Championship/Series Finale if they qualify. Players who are in their first season of PKBGT age eligibility are exempt from this rule.
- Tournaments Available:
- Eligible for:
- Standing on the official PKBGT ranking system, PKBGT Performance Index
- Season-long Order of Merit Standings
- Jr Golf Scoreboard Ranking points at all 36-hole events
- AJGA Performance Based Entry Performance Star at all multi-round events & PKBGT Championships
- CGA (TYGA & SCJGA) State Ranking Points at all events (multiplier varies by event)
DISCOVERY DIVISION Developmental division for girls preparing for 18-hole tournament competition
- Yardages: 1,700 - 1,900 yards (9 Holes)
- Age Requirement: Girls 9 - 12 -- Player must turn 9 years old by September 30th of the competition year to be eligible to participate. An 8-year-old player may play the
entire season schedule if they meet this requirement.
- Scoring Requirement: Players are expected to be able to score 60 or better. These events also include modified rules including double-par and parental caddies are allowed.
- Tournaments Available:
- Eligible for:
- ELITE UNDER-AGE EXEMPTIONS FOR NATIONAL EVENTS -- Girls 10 - 11 -- The PKBGT offers select Futures National fields during the PKBGT National
season that will offer limited access to elite 10 & 11-year-old girl golfers who do not meet the age requirement for Classification 3 status. Elite is defined by a top 10 finisher in the
U.S. Kids World Championship or other nationally recognized 12 & under championship. These events will be labeled on the tournament page as a "Futures National Exempt" event and players will
be able to apply for a sponsor exemption into these fields. The PKBGT Tour Committee will have sole discretion on the number of under-age exemptions available and the recipients of these exemptions.
The goal of the committee is to create at least 1 playing opportunity per quarter for these players. Click Here for a list of 2024 Eligible Events