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FORMAT: Each event will feature a stroke-play tournament for each Series of play. The Top finishers in each Series at each event will receive recognition.
DIVISIONS: Events will feature up to 3 Series of play:
- Prep Series (resume required) -- 18 Holes -- ~5,700 yards -- Ages 11 - 18
- Futures Series -- 18 Holes -- ~5,100 yards -- Ages 11 - 18
- Discovery Series -- 9 Holes -- ~1,700 yards -- Ages 9 - 12
NEW PLAYER WEBINAR: Series will feature New to Tournament Golf Webinar prior to events. The webinars will focus on developing new player's confidence, comfort &
rules knowledge. Webinar is included with entry fee.
ELIGIBILITY: The Series is open to any junior 9 - 18 who has not entered college. Prep & Futures Series players must turn 12 by 9/30/24 to be eligible to participate.
Discovery Series players must turn 9 by 9/30/24 to be eligible to participate. In addition, PKBGT Class 1 or 2 status is required to participate in the Prep Series. Follow these links for the official
PKBGT Pathway Progression & Player Classification and playing resume.
CADDIES: Are only allowed in the Discovery Series. Pull carts are allowed in all divisions where allowed by the golf course.
MEMBERSHIP: Players who are not already PKBGT National members are required to join the Regional Series to participate for a yearly fee of $39.
ORDER OF MERIT: Each series will feature its own Regional Series Order of Merit.
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