PKBGT Amends 2021 Player and Spectator Safety Protocols

PKBGT Amends 2021 Player and Spectator Safety Protocols

March 11, 2021

Following a review of tournament operations during the first two months of 2021 and additional recommendations from public health authorities, the PKBGT has amended the Player & Spectator policies as such, effective immediately.

** View the complete updated policies here **

We want to reiterate to all participants and families that these guidelines are present to ensure a safe environment for all involved with our tournaments and compliance is required to maintain operations.  PKBGT staff will enforce these guidelines to the best of our ability and players may be subject to penalties should they not comply.

o   UPDATE (SPECTATORS) – We are not restricting the number of spectators. Spectators are asked to stay in their vehicle until their players’ tee time and refrain from congregating before and after the round. Spectators are not allowed in practice areas.

o   UPDATE (PRE-ROUND PRACTICE) – Players must refrain from arriving the course more than 60 minutes prior to your tee time. This may be adjusted site by site based on range size and course specific regulations. Players who are found to be practicing on site prior to this time limit will be in breach of the code of conduct and subject to penalty.

o   UPDATE (PLAY-OFFS FOR 1ST PLACE) – On course play-offs for first place will be held for all PKBGT events and divisions.

** Rule modifications for the flagstick and bunkers will remain in place at this time. Additionally, players must wear a mask when in a volunteer shuttle and all for individuals when entering the clubhouse at host facilities.


As noted previously, below are the safe return to play guidelines for individuals that have tested positive or been exposed to Covid-19:


  • Players who have tested positive for COVID-19 may register for an event if they meet the following criteria:
    • For symptomatic patients: 10 days after symptom onset, plus at least 3 additional days without symptoms (including without fever and without respiratory symptoms).
    • For asymptomatic cases: 10 days after positive test for SARS-CoV-2.


  • What counts as close contact?
    • You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes
    • You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19
    • You had direct physical contact with the person (touched, hugged, or kissed them)
    • You shared eating or drinking utensils
    • They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you
  • Players who have come in contact with someone showing symptoms or testing positive for COVID-19 must withdraw and may reregister for an event if they meet the following criteria:
    • Stay home for 14 days after your last contact with a person who has COVID-19
    • Watch for fever (100.4◦F), cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19
    • If possible, stay away others, especially people who are at higher risk for getting very sick from COVID-19

For more information on Close Contact please see the CDC Guidelines here



About PKB Girls’ Golf Tour

Founded in 2007 by Girls Golf of America, a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, as a local girls’ golf tour and LPGA-USGA Girls Golf program in the Triad region of North Carolina.  The tour began as a simple concept: create more effective competitive playing opportunities for girls. By utilizing innovative yardage-based divisions instead of the traditional age-based format, the tour focuses on developing tournament experiences at the players pace. In 2020, the PKBGT will feature over 1,000 members and operate over 110 tournaments in 10 states across the East Coast.  PKBGT championship events rank as some of the top 100 ranked girls’ events in country.  Learn more about the PKBGT at






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